Shaker Heights Service Center

A Public Improvement That Improved the Gateway to the City

In March 1963, Cosmopolitan Magazine ran a story about the "Good Life" in Shaker Heights, Ohio, the wealthiest city per capita in the United States. While nationally-recognized wealthy suburb was the public image of the city in the 1960s, a very different story about the city was unfolding in one of its southwestern neighborhoods. The siting and construction of the Service Center in the Moreland neighborhood, as much as any other public project undertaken by the city in that decade, was an integral part of that very different story.

As you drive east on Kinsman Road today through Cleveland's Mount Pleasant neighborhood and approach East 154th Street, you come upon and notice it--almost before you notice anything else. You see it before you see that Kinsman Road has now become Chagrin Boulevard. And it greets your eyes even before they are greeted by the nearby Shaker Heights welcome sign. It's that long expanse of yellow brick wall--interrupted only once by a driveway-- that stretches for more than two city blocks along the south side of Chagrin. It is the Shaker Heights Service Center and it tells you that you have left Cleveland and have now entered one of the area's premier suburbs. How the Service Center came to be sited there, in Shaker’s Moreland neighborhood, is a fascinating story about city planning and resident activism.

Before the Service Center was built, Shaker Heights had for decades kept all of its service department trucks, other vehicles, and equipment on a five-acre parcel of land on East 173rd Street in Cleveland, just south of Harvard Avenue. In the early 1960s, nearby Cleveland residents and businesses began complaining to their ward councilman about odors coming from the yard as a result of Shaker using it also as a transfer station for city garbage. In large part as a result of these complaints, the city, which had since the previous decade been looking for a better location for its service yard, intensified its search and in January 1962 proposed to relocate it to a vacant parcel of land on the southeast corner of the intersection of Chagrin Boulevard and Warrensville Center Road, adjacent to Highland Park Cemetery. Opposition from Shaker residents living in the Mercer and Sussex neighborhoods, as well as nearby businesses, however, prompted the city to reject the site. Five years would pass before Shaker Heights would again attempt to relocate the service yard to within its city limits. In the interim period, it and Cleveland remained at impasse. Cleveland could not shut down Shaker's lawful activities on land that Shaker owned, but Cleveland could prohibit Shaker from expanding its activities there and from constructing modern buildings to house its service department vehicles and equipment.

It was Shaker Heights' decision in 1966 to hire two nationally known architects, Leonard Styche from Milwaukee and Don Hisaka, whose offices were in Cleveland but who was a resident of Shaker Heights, to create a city master plan that eventually provided the opportunity to site the Service Center in Moreland. The Styche-Hisaka Plan recommended a substantial redevelopment of the southwestern and southeastern sections of Shaker Heights, stating that it was necessary in order to improve the city's tax base for the future and to stem the tide of white flight from the aging middle class housing of these sections that was occuring during racial transition there. Official meetings on the plan had not even been scheduled in January 1967, when news leaked that a key feature of phase one of the plan was a proposal to construct a large civic center (a building that was expected to house the Shaker Historical Society, the Shaker Players, the Shaker Symphony and other cultural groups) at the intersection of Hildana and Hampstead Roads, in the southern part of the Moreland neighborhood. In order to calm residents' fears, the city scheduled an informal meeting, under the auspices of the League of Women Voters of Shaker Heights, on February 22 at Woodbury Junior High School to share the details of the master plan.

Hundreds of residents, mostly from the Moreland neighborhood, showed up for the meeting. There, Shaker Heights officials confirmed that a civic center was indeed proposed for the Moreland neighborhood and that it would likely displace 75 families whose houses would be demolished to make room for it. The officials added, however, that, prior to this occurring, the city planned to provide new housing in Moreland which would be available to displaced residents. Anxious residents responded by expressing their concerns over losing their homes and questioning whether they would even be able to afford the planned new housing. While representatives of Operation Equality, an organization created to expand housing opportunities in the Cleveland area for African Americans, and the Urban League of Cleveland, both of whom had been in contact with the city administration, stated that they saw no evidence that the plan was intended to remove African Americans from Moreland, at least one Moreland resident who had attended the meeting disagreed, calling it "a thinly disguised containment program for the Moreland negro population."

Following the February 22 meeting, the Moreland Community Association (MCA), an organization formed in 1962 and largely funded by the Cleveland Foundation to help stabilize Moreland during its racial transition, and a number of local block clubs, scheduled almost weekly meetings with residents to discuss the Styche-Hisaka master plan as it pertained to their neighborhood. When Council held its first official public hearing on the plan on May 1, 1967, more than 300 residents showed up. According to news accounts, it was the largest audience in the history of Shaker Heights council meetings. Netta Berman, MCA president, who attended the meeting, conveyed the residents' feelings, including their strong opposition to the proposed civic center, and suggested that, in phase one of the plan, the city do something about the south side of Chagrin Boulevard between the Cleveland city line and Lee Road, the condition of which she intimated was adversely impacting the neighborhood.

Within days following the May 1, 1967 hearing, Shaker Heights Mayor Paul K. Jones announced that the proposed civic center would not be built in the Moreland neighborhood. Several months later, Jones appointed a 15-member master plan advisory committee, which included two MCA representatives--Patricia James (whose husband Clarence would be appointed Cleveland law director in 1968 by Mayor Carl Stokes) and William B. Hammer (who also served as operations coordinator for the Metropolitan Housing Authority), charging the committee with the task of coming up with alternatives to the master plan's proposed redevelopment of the Moreland neighborhood. Meeting for the next several months, the committee presented its recommendations to Shaker Heights City Council in January 1968. Among them was a proposal to fund the construction of a service center along the south side of Chagrin Boulevard near the Cleveland city line, the area that MCA president Berman had stated needed immediate redevelopment. City Council accepted that committee recommendation and thereafter voted to submit a bond issue to the electorate providing funding for land acquisition and construction. While the bond issue was endorsed by the Moreland Community Association, it was not without its opponents. On July 22, 1968, Robert LaChance, who lived at 3742 Menlo Road, submitted a petition to Council signed by 71 residents of Menlo and Pennington Roads, opposing the issue. (At the same meeting, MCA vice-president James Peoples spoke in support of the issue.) Shaker housing officers Alan Gressel and Suzanne Spetrino also actively campaigned against the issue, and were, allegedly as a result of their opposition, fired by Mayor Jones. On November 5, 1968, the Shaker Heights electorate passed the issue by a vote of 8257 to 5275.

Over the course of the next two and one-half years, the city purchased 32 homes on Menlo, Pennington and Ludgate Roads, as well as a number of commercial properties on Chagrin Boulevard, that were located on the site of the new Service Center, moving some of the homes and demolishing the rest, before then proceeding to construct the Center. Pursuant to a relocation policy that it had entered into with the Moreland Community Association in January 1968, the city offered housing assistance to all residents who had been displaced. County deed records and local directories show that, of the 27 families whose relocation information could be found, only 12 moved to a new address in Shaker Heights, with the remaining 15 moving out of the city. The new Shaker Heights Service Center became operational in April 1971 and was officially dedicated on May 1 of that year.

The Shaker Heights Service Center has now for 47 years fulfilled the city's need to have a service yard located within its city limits. It is a notable gateway to Shaker Heights and improved the appearance of the south side of Chagrin Boulevard near the Cleveland city line. It also blocked commercial retail traffic on Chagrin from Menlo and Pennington Roads. But the story of the Shaker Heights Service Center is not just one about the needs of the city that were filled or the benefits that may have been derived by the Moreland neighborhood. It is also, and maybe more importantly, a story about neighborhood activism and how residents, working together and making sure that their voices are heard by city hall, can have a positive impact on the future development, and redevelopment, of their neighborhood.


Welcome to the Neighborhood!
Welcome to the Neighborhood! In this 1970 photo, Moreland elementary school children are shown constructing a neighborhood mural on the construction fence temporarily surrounding the new Shaker Heights Service Center. It was opened and officially dedicated in spring 1971. Source: Cleveland State University, Michael Schwartz Library, Special Collections; and Shaker Heights Public Library, Local History Collection
The Service Yard in Cleveland
The Service Yard in Cleveland For four decades, Shaker Heights operated its service yard from a five acre site on East 173rd Street, just south of Harvard Avenue, in Cleveland. That site is circled on this 1927-1937 map. When in the early 1960s, Shaker began using the yard as a temporary transfer station for its garbage destined for a landfill in Medina County, nearby residents and businesses in Cleveland complained, leading to a souring of relations between the city and suburb. This intensified Shaker's search, which had begun in the 1950s, to find a site for the service yard within its own city limits. Source: Cleveland Public Library, Digital Map Collection
The hoosgow for stray dogs
The hoosgow for stray dogs This 1965 photo shows one of the vehicles kept at the Shaker Service Yard on East 173rd Street in Cleveland, as well as a part of one of the service buildings on that site. The Service Department employee in the photo is Harvey Hurd. Source: Cleveland State University, Michael Schwartz Library, Special Collections; and Shaker Heights Public Library, Local History Collection
The Proposed Civic Center
The Proposed Civic Center One of the most strikinig features of the 1967 Shaker Heights Master Plan, created mostly for the southern part of the city, was a cultural center proposed for the center of the Moreland neighborhood. It was estimated that construction of the center would have required the demolition of at least 75 neighborhood houses. This shocked and angered residents, leading to an organized opposition, which successfully convinced the city to abandon the project. Source: Cleveland State University, Michael Schwartz Library, Special Collections; Shaker Heights Public Library, Local History Collection
We Don't Want It.
We Don't Want It. Moreland residents packed a number of public meetings held in Shaker Heights early in 1967, to voice their opposition to the Civic Center proposed for their neighborhood. At the May 4, 1967 meeting described in this Plain Dealer article, more than 300 residents showed up to protest it as destructive of their neighborhood. According to the Sun Press, this was the largest audience to ever attend a Shaker Council meeting. The residences voices were clearly heard. Within just days following this meeting, Mayor Paul K. Jones announced that the Civic Center would be built at another location. Source: Cleveland Public Library, Newspaper Collection
Dearly Departed Houses
Dearly Departed Houses This portion of a 1941 Shaker Heights Map outlines the area of the Moreland neighborhood where 32 houses were either demolished or moved in 1969 to make room for the new Shaker Heights Service Center. Source: City of Shaker Heights
Designing the new Service Center
Designing the new Service Center A scaled drawing of the proposed new Service Center by the architectural and planning firm of Visnappuu & Gaede. It is dated July 30, 1969. An examination of the drawing shows the effort that the City made to substantially buffer the center not only from residents living on Menlo, Pennington and Ludgate Roads, but also from businesses and traffic on Chagrin Boulevard. Source: City of Shaker Heights
Rudy Rife
Rudy Rife 1966 photo of Shaker Heights Service Director Rudy Rife plowing a sidewalk in the city. Rife Court, the street that was created to provide access to Chagrin Boulevard from Menlo and Pennington Roads once the Service Center was built, and which, as well, serves as part of the residents' buffer from the Center, is named after him. Rife was employed by the City of Shaker Heights for 47 years, from 1923 until his retirement in 1971. Her served as its Service Director for the last 27 years of his employment. Source: Cleveland State University, Michael Schwartz Library, Special Collections; Shaker Heights Public Library, Local History Collection
Houses on the Move
Houses on the Move Shaker Heights originally intended to demolish the 32 houses that were located on the site of the proposed new Service Director. However, in 1969, at the request of Cleveland mayor Carl B. Stokes, Shaker Heights entered into an agreement with the Community Housing Corporation providing for that entity to move the most salvageable houses to vacant lots in Cleveland's Mount Pleasant neighborhood. In this photo which appeared in the Cleveland Press on August 14, 1969, the house which was formerly located at 3529 Menlo Road in the Moreland neighborhood is shown being moved west on Chagrin Boulevard. Its destination was a vacant lot at 10420 Avon Road in Cleveland. Source: Cleveland Public Library, Newspaper Collection
The Buffer completed
The Buffer completed This 1971-1972 photograph presents a view of the buffer of the new Shaker Heights Service Center from the houses located on Menlo and Pennington Roads. Source: Cleveland State University, Michael Schwartz Library, Special Collections; Shaker Heights Public Library, Local History Collection
Aerial View of Service Center
Aerial View of Service Center This 2017 photo of the Center shows its location on Chagrin Boulevard near the Cleveland city line and its juxtaposition to the Moreland neighborhood to the south. Source: Google Maps


15600 Chagrin Blvd, Shaker Heights, OH 44120


Jim Dubelko, “Shaker Heights Service Center,” Cleveland Historical, accessed September 14, 2024,