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Dugway Brook

Cleveland Heights' Bluestone Stream

Dugway Brook, one of several bluestone streams that flow into Lake Erie, is largely invisible today. Generations ago, Dugway's serpentine branches were covered up by streets, parking lots, and parks. Almost 50 percent of the watershed flows through Cleveland Heights, but all that is visible within the community are a 300-yard stretch bordering Euclid Heights Boulevard just east of Coventry School, a deep ravine in Forest Hill Park, and a secluded spit inside Lake View Cemetery. Altogether, nearly 95 percent of Dugway is culverted.

Dugway’s two branches begin in University Heights and South Euclid and cut through Cleveland Heights and East Cleveland before they merge in Cleveland's Glenville neighborhood and run north to a single outlet into Lake Erie in Bratenahl. The west branch begins near John Carroll University. Much of this branch runs through a giant culvert under Meadowbrook Boulevard to its intersection with Cedar Road east of St. Ann's Church. Two small segments of the brook can be seen between Coventry and Washington on Berkshire and East Overlook Roads. The west branch flows underground through the Coventry Village district before reappearing briefly in Lake View Cemetery.

The east branch begins in South Euclid running parallel to and north of Cedar Road. A small portion of this branch flows above ground to the north of Washington Boulevard east of South Taylor Road before disappearing beneath Cain Park. It reappears along the western edge of Cumberland Park to the north of Euclid Heights Boulevard and emerges briefly once again in Forest Hill Park.

Bluestone brooks were so named for the presence of bluish sandstone deposits along their banks. To the east of Dugway, the most visible example is Euclid Creek, the site of a large quarry whose sandstone was used to build everything from building faces and sidewalks to cemetery markers and mausoleums. In the 1930s, legions of Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) employees extracted untold tons of Euclid Creek sandstone.

Along Dugway Brook's scenic courses, visionaries chased dreams. In the 19th century John Peter Preyer carved orchards, vineyards, and cider and grist mills from the Dugway valley in the vicinity of what is now Cumberland Park. Although Preyer's Lake View Wine Farm gave way to early suburban residential development soon after the turn of the 20th century, Preyer's homestead on Superior Road, made of one-and-a-half-foot-thick, locally quarried stone walls, survives as the oldest house in Cleveland Heights and among the oldest in the former Western Reserve of Connecticut (as Northeast Ohio was known into the early 19th century).

Others who developed the Dugway Brook watershed included Orville A. Dean, who built a successful dairy business just northeast of the Preyer farm; John D. Rockefeller, whose Forest Hill summer estate straddled the east branch of the brook; architect Eric Mendelsohn, who designed the domed Park Synagogue on a site straddling a small tributary of the east branch; and Frank Cain, Cleveland Heights mayor who, in the 1930s, used WPA funding to culvert Dugway through Cain Park and spearhead development of an amphitheater.

East siders mostly forgot about the brook amid relentless suburban expansion. Cleveland Heights, 60,000 strong by 1960, was a mosaic of suburban neighborhoods and business districts. Heights High teens joined many others in the humming Cedar-Lee and Coventry areas. In both places the only evidence of Dugway Brook's branches was often the sound of rushing water heard through covered manholes in the streets. A two-mile greenbelt of parks (Cain, Cumberland, and Forest Hill) transformed Dugway’s east branch into ball fields, playgrounds, and other recreational facilities.

By the 1960s and 1970s, devastating floods in low-lying University Circle prompted new concerns about Dugway (and its neighbor to the south and west, Doan Brook). This led to the construction in Lake View Cemetery of what was the largest poured-concrete dam east of the Mississippi River up to its time. Completed in 1978 as the first project of the newly created Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, the dam stands 90 feet high and spans some 500 feet. Today Dugway Brook suffers from years of neglect and pollution during storms. Many have begun to seek ways to resurrect this fragile yet important natural resource.


Waterfall in Lake View Cemetery, 2011
Waterfall in Lake View Cemetery, 2011 This waterfall, one of two in Cleveland Heights, is part of the west branch of Dugway Brook inside Lake View Cemetery. Creator: J. Mark Souther Date: 2011
Preyer House, ca. 1985
Preyer House, ca. 1985 Built ca. 1825 and remodeled ca. 1900 (when the porch and dormers were added), Preyer House got its name from the Preyer family who purchased the surrounding farm in 1864 and established a winery. This house (Cleveland Heights's oldest home) was once surrounded by stables, gardens, and a barn. Source: City of Cleveland Heights Date: ca. 1985
Lee Road at Meadowbrook Blvd., ca. 1935
Lee Road at Meadowbrook Blvd., ca. 1935 By the 1930s, Dugway Brook's east branch was all but forgotten, most of it buried deep beneath dense suburban development. It continued to flow, largely unseen, in a concrete culvert beneath the aptly named Meadowbrook Boulevard, whose undulating path atop the brook's course is more than just a developer's artifice to suggest topography. Source: City of Cleveland Heights Date: ca. 1935
Bramson House, 1986
Bramson House, 1986 This stunning fieldstone and stained wood residence, built in 1936, stands alongside a forest hillside of rhododendrons and groundcover ivy along Dugway Brook at 2837 East Overlook Road. A footbridge leads to a tiny stone house on the grounds. Reputed to be designed by the first owner, Annette Bramson, the house was constructed over many years and rebuilt after a 1961 fire. The home is based on the principles of Frank Lloyd Wright - and somewhat Japanese influenced - in the integration of architecture with nature. Its rustic stonework and interior wood detailing are reminiscent of the Craftsman ideals of such architects as Greene & Greene of California. Source: City of Cleveland Heights Date: 1986
Forest Hill Bridge, 1940
Forest Hill Bridge, 1940 This small stone footbridge traverses a small tributary of the east branch of Dugway Brook in East Cleveland as it leaves Rockefeller Pond and cascades into the valley below. Source: Cleveland Memory Project, Cleveland State University Library Special Collections Date: 1940
Forest Hill Park Dam, 1962
Forest Hill Park Dam, 1962 This small dam was built across the stream at the edge of Rockefeller Pond to prevent flooding downstream. Source: Cleveland Memory Project, Cleveland State University Library Special Collections Date: 1962
Lake View Dam Construction, 1977
Lake View Dam Construction, 1977 This dam resulted from a lawsuit filed by Lake View Cemetery's board of trustees to suspend further expansion of Cleveland Heights's and University Heights's sewer system out of concern for worsening flooding that accompanied flash flood events. In 1975, a court ordered the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District to construct a large dam on Dugway Brook. In this construction view, the Garfield Monument stands in the distance. Source: Cleveland Memory Project, Cleveland State University Library Special Collections Date: 1977
Lake View Dam, 1979
Lake View Dam, 1979 When completed in 1978, Lake View Dam became a curious oddity in the eyes of visitors to the historic cemetery. Seldom holding anything approaching the size of a lake, the dam appears useless but in fact is an important safeguard against flooding that had become a major problem downstream as a result of heavy storm sewer flow exacerbated by the lack of pervious surfaces in the heavily developed Heights. Source: Cleveland Memory Project, Cleveland State University Library Special Collections Date: 1979


1 Monticello Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44118 | Dugway Brook has eastern and western branches. Most of their courses are culverted and invisible, but open segments are visible in Grant Deming's Forest Hill, Lake View Cemetery, Cumberland Park, and Forest Hill Park. The best place to view the stream in its natural form is via the trailhead located near Superior Rd behind the Cleveland Heights Community Center.


J. Mark Souther and Chris Roy, “Dugway Brook,” Cleveland Historical, accessed September 18, 2024,