The John Hartness Brown Complex in 1929

The John Hartness Brown Complex in 1929
In this photograph, the complex consists of the two center buildings--the one on the left, grey-colored and six stories, and the one on the right, white-colored and seven stories--located between the Union Trust Building (now the 925 Euclid Building) to their left and the 1101 Building (formerly known as the Capital Bank Building) and the Statler Arms Hotel (now the Statler Arms Apartments) to their right. In that year, the six-story building was referred to as the Euclid Building, and the seven story one as the Loomis Building. The sign on the Euclid Building belonged to B. R. Baker's, a men's clothing store, which occupied the western part of the complex from 1917 until 1982. | Source: Cleveland Public Library, Digital Photograph Collection
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