GE Refrigerator Ad, 1928

GE Refrigerator Ad, 1928
Each Scottsdale Master Model Home was outfitted with a new General Electric refrigerator. GE's "Monitor-Top" model (named for its resemblance to a gun turret on the 19th-century warship USS Monitor) pictured in this ad first hit shelves in 1927. General Electric produced over a million of these models, making it one of the first widely used refrigerators in the world. Electric refrigerators did not become a staple in American homes, however, until their price came down in the years following World War II. This 1928 advertisement promises that the refrigerators "will protect the health and insure the comfort" of the families who move into the Master Model Homes, while needing "no attention – not even oiling!" | Source: Cleveland State University Library Special Collections
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