1938 Plat Map Showing Kamm's Corners

1938 Plat Map Showing Kamm's Corners
Kamm’s personal home was moved to Fernshaw Avenue in 1925. It previously faced Lorain Street (now Avenue), to the west of Kamm's former store and post office. Kamm’s Terrace (apartment built in 1909) is labeled on the map-- another building known as “Kamm's Recreation” was for bowling and billiards. It likely took its name from the area and was not owned by the Kamm family. By the time of this map, Kamm's relatives owned all his former land and Fernshaw Ave was created. Kamm’s personal house is the yellow square to the west of Kamm’s Terrace. | Creator: G. M. Hopkins & Co. | Date: 1938 | Source: Cleveland Public Library Map Collection
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